Explore our range of packages and pricing options tailored to meet your needs and budget for a seamless experience.

Comprehensive Behavior + Training


Includes an initial 60-minute behavior consultation, three 30-minute recheck appointments, & five 45-minute training sessions

Highly recommended for the best outcome

A $475 discount as compared to services charged individually

Initial Behavior Consultation

$600 for Dr. O’Brian

$499 for Dr. Baucom

Following your pet’s veterinarian’s referral, your initial appointment is 60 minutes and allows our doctors to review your pet’s history, establish a diagnosis, and discuss a treatment plan

Recheck Appointment


Includes 30 minutes with our doctors and occurs after the initial consultation
Allow us to assess our progress and adjust as needed
Recommended every 30-60 days as needed for follow up

Training Package


Includes five 45-minute appointments, two weeks apart

The VVBM trainer will work alongside our doctors to create a tailored plan for your pet, ensuring we are working toward the best possible outcomes together!

Individual Training Sessions


45-minute standalone training appointments to be completed after the initial training package has been completed